We are Engineered Air and Gas Systems.
Founded in 1988, BOSS Industries, LLC currently operates in a 66,500 sq ft facility and employs over 60 skilled professionals. Here at BOSS, we develop the most effective, productive and manageable air systems that provide a safe environment to work from, one that is more reliable and less costly to operate. Using this as our corner stone, BOSS Industries now manufactures more than 10 different models for many industries around the globe. From our Industry leading Under-deck PTO driven Rotary Screw Air Compressor systems to our in-house built Hydraulic Piston Compressors, and now our revolutionary above-deck MechanX Rotary System, BOSS Industries is truly an Engineered Air Systems provider.
And there's more. BOSS Industries is a manufacturer for Natural Gas Compressors. From our Roughneck Series Wellhead Gas Compressors to our Tycoon Series Vapor Recovery Units, we are the leader in gas compression systems. Each system is designed specifically to meet your exact needs while delivering economical and efficient solutions, maximizing your production and preserving the environment.
And It's about the people.
To us, support is about finding a solution to problems in the most effective way, and getting our clients back on the job-site. It comes down to people - we pride ourselves on staffing a well-integrated tech team that determines the specific problem areas and finds a solution to it with very little lead-time. Along with the support from our service team, BOSS provides customer education seminars on location or in-house in our training facility. This is to make sure that the client is familiar with the product and gets the most out of its service. Today BOSS accounts for more than 50% of all PTO rotary screw compressor sales.